Wildlife Exclusion Services

Wildlife Exclusion
At C&C Wildlife Control, we have seen firsthand the damage that pest animals cause to homes and businesses. Between the potential for diseases, fire hazards, and many other kinds of damage, nuisance wildlife presents a wide variety of problems. Once animals have been removed from your home or place of business, there are still some things that need to be done. The most important supplementary step is wildlife exclusion, as preventing future infestations should be everyone’s goal. If you live or have a business in Hartford County or Tolland County, Connecticut, C&C Wildlife Control can provide you with excellent wildlife exclusion services. Continue reading to learn more about our residential and commercial wildlife exclusion services.
Residential Services
Here at C&C Wildlife Control, we provide excellent wildlife exclusion services, as we know that simply removing pests is only a temporary fix. Once more animals realize they can get in, you could have a new infestation in less than a few weeks of removing the first one! Continue reading to learn about how we can keep animals out of your home for good.
Rooflines of homes are among the favorite places for nuisance wildlife to gain access into the interior of a home. Since there are many different building materials, such as soffit, fascia, shingles, thin aluminum, and many other coverings, nuisance wildlife can pick their way through each of them looking for any holes through which they can enter. If they cannot find pre-made entry points, they will often chew or claw their way into the interior of your home. Once nuisance animals make their way into the interior of your home, they often decide to set up shop in your attic. Once in the attic, chewed wires, the raising of young, torn-up insulation, and structural damage are just some of the issues encountered. In addition to attics, critters also love gaining access by using your chimney, as it provides a warm wind shelter that keeps them safe. Since there are so many problems nuisance critters can cause, it is important to make sure your home is completely sealed up. At C&C Wildlife Control, we have years of experience in sealing up attics, chimneys, and many other parts of your home. It is important to remember that wildlife exclusion is, arguably, just as important as wildlife removal.
Commercial Services
Whether you own a small business or a large company, it is very important that your buildings are always in tip-top shape, as even the slightest problem can cause serious inefficiency and ineffectiveness, which ultimately hurts your bottom line. Luckily, there is an easy way to prevent any of this from occurring due to nuisance wildlife. Wildlife exclusion is the best way to seal up your place of business. Here at C&C Wildlife Control, we have years of experience in dealing with all kinds of nuisance wildlife, and we know what it takes to prevent them from entering your place of business.
When common nuisance pests are able to get into buildings, there are many serious problems that can happen. Rats and mice are a big problem when they get into commercial buildings, as they can chew wires, destroy insulation, and possibly spread disease. The chewing of wires can create serious fire hazards that could cost a lot of money to repair. Destroyed insulation decreases energy efficiency, which causes more money to be spent on energy bills. When birds get into buildings, they can urinate and defecate all over everything, creating the potential for corrosion. Corrosion can eventually cause structures to fail, creating serious financial burdens. The best way to prevent these animals from entering businesses is to utilize a wildlife exclusion service. At C&C Wildlife Control, we know how to seal up your place of business so that not a single nuisance animal gains entry and creates problems for you.
Benefits of Wildlife Exclusion
As we encroach further and further into wild habitats, human interactions with wild animals have been on the rise. Nuisance wildlife poses several risks that are undesirable for homeowners. However, wishful thinking won’t keep them away.
Wildlife exclusion provides an effective means for making sure unwanted pest animals can’t access your property or structure. At C&C Wildlife Control, we’ve been providing wildlife exclusion services for several years – and our exclusion takes place in three major stages:
- Inspection
This involves examining the entire property to figure out how nuisance animals are getting in. Bigger animals like raccoons make use of damages near the roof areas to get in, while smaller animals like mice can get in through a hole as small as the diameter of a pen.
- Exclusion and fortification
Once all potential entry holes are identified, they are all sealed except one. In this last hole, an exclusion device is installed. Once the nuisance animal leaves through the hole, it is unable to get back in.
Inside the property is also inspected for signs of baby animals before the exclusion device is finally removed and the hole sealed.
- Cleanup and restoration
Wild animals leave lots of waste and cause severe damage. In this stage, the infected area is disinfected to kill pathogens while all damages done are repaired to maintain the structural integrity of the building. Here is a great resource to learn about specifically attic restoration at wildlife-removal.com.
Now that you understand how the exclusion process works, let’s explore some of the benefits of exclusion:
- Prevents structural damages
Wild animals cause lots of damage to homes and other structures. Animals like raccoons, mice, and squirrels chew on wood, pipes, ducts, and more. Damaged wood compromises the structural integrity of your building. Wildlife exclusion ensures these destructive animals are not even there in the first place.
- Eliminates the risk of electrical fire
Nuisance wild animals also chew on wires to obtain materials for building their nests. Exposed wires can result in partial contact, which can damage electrical devices. In the worst-case scenario, partial contact can start an electrical fire. But by keeping nuisance wildlife out, you have nothing to worry about.
- Maintains the heating efficiency of your house
The insulation material in attics is the perfect material for nuisance wildlife to build their nests because it is soft and comfy. Hence, they will rip it off without a second thought. Consequently, the ripped-off insulation will reduce the heating property of your building, and that will be reflected in a higher energy bill. But wildlife exclusion can help keep nuisance wildlife away, thereby preserving your insulation.
- Improves air quality
Wild animals do not practice personal hygiene as we do. Hence, their bodies typically give off a strong and undesirable smell. What’s more, they litter the infested areas with their droppings and urine. And with time, the unpleasant smell from their waste gets circulated through the HVAC system. Wildlife exclusion helps to keep wildlife away so they cannot leave any mess.
- Preserves garden integrity
Animals like raccoons, rodents, skunks, opossums, and more find the fruits and vegetables in gardens appealing. Hence, they can wreak severe damage to plants in the garden. Thankfully, wildlife exclusion can help you keep these nasty critters out for good.
- Limits risk of diseases
Nuisance pests carry hundreds of zoonotic diseases that can harm both humans and pets. Examples include leptospirosis, Lyme, salmonellosis, and rabies, among many others. But with wildlife exclusion, you limit your contact with these animals, thereby reducing the possibility of getting infected.
- Cost-effective
Without wildlife exclusion, your house and property will be under constant attacks from nuisance animals. Little by little, the damage and pollution they cause will begin to pile up – and so will repair costs. But with wildlife exclusion, you can make it impossible for these nasty creatures to wreak any havoc, thereby saving money in the long run.
Wildlife exclusion shouldn’t be done as a DIY project. Why? Because it requires an adept understanding of animal behavior to execute effectively. That’s why involving a professional is a prudent choice. At C&C Wildlife Control, we can help you implement a robust wildlife exclusion that’s guaranteed to keep these unwanted pests away far into the future.
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