Rats & Mice Control

Rodent Control
Mice and rats are two of the most disliked animals in the world. Not only do these rodents cause damage to homes and properties, but they also spread many nasty diseases to humans and pets. When rodents get into your home, they can cause a host of problems, so it is important to remove them quickly. Continue reading to learn more about rodents and how you can get rid of them.
What problems can rats and mice cause?
While rodents cause property damage, the biggest reason to remove them quickly is their ability to spread illness. Mice and rats carry nasty diseases like rat-bite fever, hantavirus, and much more, and these have been known to kill people quite often actually. The worst part about the diseases is how many ways rats and mice can transmit them. The deposition of feces, urine, and even dried saliva can be left all over homes, and are a serious health risk. While it does not occur often, being bitten by a rodent is one of the easiest ways to contract many serious problems. Finally, if rodents have access to kitchens or pantries, they will contaminate your food.
As if their potentially fatal health risks were not enough, rodents also have the ability to cause destruction in your home. Rodents have powerful jaws and can chew through all kinds of materials, and oftentimes they will chew up lumber and other building materials. In addition, they tear up insulation and even chew on wires, causing the risk of serious fire hazards. The damage rats and mice cause to insulation can actually lower the insulative properties of it, costing you serious amounts of money in energy efficiency over the long run. Due to the health risks and the property damage they cause, it is highly advisable to remove rodents as soon as possible.
How can I prevent rats and mice?
Preventing mice and rats can be a daunting task, as they have the ability to squeeze through the smallest of holes, gaps, and cracks in your home. The most important step you can take to prevent rodents is to make sure that your home is sealed up tight. Start this process by inspecting the exterior and interior of your home, searching for any small gaps or holes that would allow entry for rodents. Patch these up with all-weather sealant or some aluminum sheeting. In addition, stuff steel wool in any holes that involve your appliances, as rodents will not touch steel wool because they hate the feeling. Finally, be sure to keep doors closed at all times, as even a small opening can provide the perfect entrance for these skinny pests.
How do I remove rats and mice?
Many homeowners all across the United States take on rat and mice problems on their own. Oftentimes, this works just fine, as a couple of snap or glue traps seem to take care of the problem. However, other times, this approach is unsuccessful and leads to a large infestation of rats and mice that can be nearly impossible to remove. Since rats and mice repopulate so quickly, oftentimes only professionals can completely eradicate them. This is why it is so important to hire a professional wildlife control service, as they can quickly take care of the entire infestation, allowing you to quit worrying about it.
Why hire C&C Wildlife Control?
Anyone who lives in Hartford County or Tolland County, Connecticut, would be well advised to give C&C Wildlife Control a call. We have years of experience in dealing with rodent problems, big and small, and we strive to provide excellent service for our clients. In addition to our pest removal services, we also can perform animal exclusion services, preventing any future infestations. An added bonus is that C&C Wildlife Control also offers attic restoration, sanitization, and animal damage repair services as well. If you have a rodent problem, contact C&C Wildlife Control, as we would love to help you out!
Our Rats & Mice Removal Process
Rats and mice are among the most common animal pests we encounter. These rodents are a great nuisance and are very destructive and pose health risks. Whether they are in your garage, attic, basement, ceilings, or walls, they will cause significant damage if not quickly removed. To learn more about rats and mice visit wildliferemovalusa.com .
What problems do rats & mice cause?
Rats and mice can cause a lot of damage in your home. These animals have tiny but sharp teeth with which they chew and gnaw at a lot of things. Rats and mice in the attic will chew up electrical wires which put your home at risk of a fire hazard. These creatures can chew up the attic insulation, dry walls, ductwork, pipelines, etc.
These tiny mammals have an impulsive urge to chew and with their sharp teeth, nothing stands a chance. They will also chew up the furniture and make their nests in upholstery. Rodents also destroy books and paintings, clothes, and all sorts of fabrics that cannot escape their attack, they actually use these materials to build their nests.
Once rats and mice find their way into an attic, it’s only a matter of time before they tear the whole place apart. And if they find their way to your kitchen and pantry, they will not hesitate to help themselves with any improperly stored food. Rats and mice can chew through wood and plastic. In the United States alone, rats and mice cause up to $20 billion in damages annually.
What diseases do rats and mice carry?
These rodents will spread urine and droppings around the house, and because of their unsanitary habits, they act as hosts to several pathogenic microorganisms and transmit very deadly diseases. The droppings and urine of rats and mice contain several disease-causing microorganisms and have the potential to cause very serious illnesses.
Some of the diseases that can be transmitted by these rodents include typhus, hantavirus, the plague, Salmonellosis, rat-bite fever, etc. One major problem with rats and mice is that they are very small and travel very fast. These creatures can easily find their way around a house by creating tiny passageways for themselves, and as they go, they litter droppings and urine everywhere.
A single one of these animals can drop an average of 30 droppings each day and this can quickly build up. And the diseases they carry can be transmitted when someone comes in contact with their fecal droppings or urine.
Rodent Infestation happen very quickly
The gestation period of rats and mice is about 3 weeks and each litter is usually about 6 to 10 pups. If a female rat gives birth to 10 pups every month for 6 months, you will have 60 of these tiny and destructive mammals running around your home wreaking havoc. With this very short gestation period and multiple babies for each pregnancy, a rat or mice infestation can grow very quickly.
An infestation may already be out of control when you begin to notice their presence around your home. These rodents will stay hidden during the day and only come out at night to forage, therefore they can stay unnoticed for a very long time. And before you know it you’ll be battling a huge rodent infestation.
To detect a rat or mouse infestation, watch out for;
- Dark pea-sized droppings
- Dark urine stains
- Chew or gnaw marks
- Squealing, scurrying, scratching, or gnawing sounds after dark
- A rat or mouse running or sneaking around
The longer these rodents stay in your home, the more their population grows and the more damage they cause. Therefore, call C&C Wildlife Control at the very first sign of infestation.
Rats and Mice Exclusion
Excluding these tiny and industrious creatures is certainly not an easy job, and it isn’t a one-day job especially if there is an infestation. However, our animal pest control experts at C&C Wildlife Control will take care of any rodent infestation problem on your property.
The first step of the rodent exclusion process is an inspection of the property. Our team of experts will carefully identify the key areas where these rodents are concentrated and where they’re hiding. Our goal is always to make sure we trap and remove the rodents, then properly seal up passageways and tiny cracks to ensure that new rodents don’t come in to replace the old ones.
Since rats and mice are very small, the task of catching and removing them requires certain skills and expertise. If you leave behind as many as a female rat or two, these can quickly start breeding and make a new family and in a few months, you’ll be back to square one, this is one of the major problems with DIY rodent control.
Rodent exclusion has to be thorough and complete for it to be truly successful. If you have only one or two rats or mice in your apartment, then it’s possible to get them out yourself. However, if there is an infestation of rodents, then you certainly need to invite professionals because it’s more efficient and cost-effective.
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